At 36 weeks of fetal development, or the last weeks before labor, the would-be baby is already nearly perfect shape, both in terms of weight, size, as well as the development of the organs of the body. Compared to 30 weeks of fetal development, at the age of 36 weeks there are no new organs formed only refinement organs have been full before. At this gestational age of the fetus is experiencing significant growth in the size, the position of the baby was enough down in the womb because it's already leading to readiness for birth (figure only as an illustration of its development, not including illustrations its position in the womb).
At most, a normal pregnant women giving birth between 39 and 41 weeks. However the preparation of birth must be done away the previous day, due to differing birth condition, medical experts, or handling may occur premature birth.
On the gestational age is usually the mother become more worried and anxious over how childbirth later. But the very reasonable feelings felt. Good preparation will facilitate the process of birth. Check with your midwife or medical expert to periodically to check the State of your pregnancy. Note the sign of fetal movements leading up to the birth.
Fetal development Weeks 36 and the condition of the mother
In addition to the fetus that began growing rapidly in the last weeks of pregnancy, the mother containing also experience some symptoms and complaints are indeed generally felt by all pregnant women. As discussed earlier, most precisely feel scared and anxious about the birth process later. But we recommend you at moments like that mother abstain from excessive worry and feelings also stressed.
Try to be more relaxed, comfortable and imagine beautiful things while undergoing the last weeks of pregnancy. Just imagine a fetus conceived the mother had started to perfect and almost ready to come out to greet the mother, how happy when the little one is already present in your family.
Then how is the 36-week fetal development? The following reviews more about fetal development in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Each week a fetus will experience an increase in weight. In the last weeks the baby is usually experience increased approximately ½ pound each week. So it's no wonder if you feel the uterus becomes increasingly narrow. The baby who was ready to see the world beyond the heavy increase in badanya will be assisted with a layer stack of fat that helps regulate body temperature and the developing immune system.
At 36 weeks of fetal development also can you feel fetal position while also getting lower. This is because the baby is ready to take to the streets the inception. The length of a baby when those weeks usually reach about 47 cm and weighs 2.5 pounds.
In week 36 make sure the position of the baby in the womb is not breech. And to ensure its position, check with Your obstetrician because there is still the possibility to change its position on the baby in the womb. Normal is the head of the baby is under the enter way out and her ass was at the top. The fetus is more often on the move.
Approaching the last week of the fetal skin will be more perfect. Its color is reddish or red to white a bit dark.
In addition 36 weeks of fetal development is marked by the emergence of increasingly dense hair and also the formation of nails-nail polish on the ends of the fingers and toes.
In addition to a variety of incredible things that plagued the fetus in its development in week 36, the mother of course also experienced numerous changes, symptoms, and perceived grievances on Sunday-the end of the pregnancy. Take a look at the next page.
The complaint that the mother Felt at the last week of Pregnancy
Besides the infant who is experiencing rapid development in the last weeks of pregnancy, the mother also feeling symptom or complaint not previously found during pregnancy. There are some things that will be felt by the mother when a fetus or a baby is ready to be born. A few tips that may be we could give is, if the mother worked should reduce the activity or take time off to rest at home until after delivery and conditions began to recover. This is because the mother will feel pain around your pelvis because the baby got into the way of birth led to pressure on the nerves around the pelvis. Well, to resolve the issue of the mother could lift her legs and laid on a pillow or other higher objects so that it does not happen the widening of blood vessels in the legs or called varicose veins.
In addition to these small symptoms, at 36 weeks of fetal development turned out to be the body of the mother will also undergo changes. In the last weeks of the mother it is recommended that the more routinely checked the content each week until childbirth. The body of pregnant women who are already up on last weeks requires a number of 2,400 calorie consumption – 2,500 per day. This is because the mother's body will work hard ahead of the birth.
As already discussed above, that in the last weeks of the baby's head position should have been down to the street was born. But if his position is still breech, or buttocks and legs down to the line, you don't need to worry. There are ways that you can do to change the position of the baby. One of them is to do the position of sujud as often as possible. The next physical symptoms that you can feel is gaining weight would increase by 11.25 – 13.5 pounds in week 36.
Well, on a 36-week fetal development of the body of the mother will more efficiently convert the nutrients in the body into energy. The fact that the women who answered the question said that the hard pressed to lose weight at the time of the last weeks of pregnancy. The baby or fetus will develop faster than at the time of fetal development week 14. These developments will make the baby put pressure on the circulatory system of the mother. Therefore in the weeks it is recommended that the pregnant women reduce salt consumption so that his blood pressure remained normal and stable.
The Mother Felt contractions in the last week of pregnancy
In addition to the symptoms of physical changes that occur in the mother and the janinnya, the mother will also feel the contraction of the muscles of the uterus toward the lahiran. That is usually felt on fetal development weeks 36 is stomach mules, cramps, or even feel the pain as coming months. The symptoms that are called with His the will several times experienced by pregnant women at the time of the last weeks of labor.
There are two types of His i.e. His original and His fake. His original is when the contractions that you feel is really labor, usually a sign contraction contraction lasts about 45-75 seconds kontraksinya time and distance will continue approaching and kontraksinya grew strong. While the fake contraction characteristics of different tastes might be similar to the time of fetal development in second trimester, the frequency of irregular kontraksinya and does not cause pain that is felt from the waist to the lower abdomen. Besides His false kontraksinya also not too strong and will have no effect on the opening of the mouth of the uterus. So this time and information may be useful.
In addition to a variety of incredible things that plagued the fetus in its development in week 36, the mother of course also experienced numerous changes, symptoms, and perceived grievances on Sunday-the end of the pregnancy. Take a look at the next page.
The complaint that the mother Felt at the last week of Pregnancy
Besides the infant who is experiencing rapid development in the last weeks of pregnancy, the mother also feeling symptom or complaint not previously found during pregnancy. There are some things that will be felt by the mother when a fetus or a baby is ready to be born. A few tips that may be we could give is, if the mother worked should reduce the activity or take time off to rest at home until after delivery and conditions began to recover. This is because the mother will feel pain around your pelvis because the baby got into the way of birth led to pressure on the nerves around the pelvis. Well, to resolve the issue of the mother could lift her legs and laid on a pillow or other higher objects so that it does not happen the widening of blood vessels in the legs or called varicose veins.
In addition to these small symptoms, at 36 weeks of fetal development turned out to be the body of the mother will also undergo changes. In the last weeks of the mother it is recommended that the more routinely checked the content each week until childbirth. The body of pregnant women who are already up on last weeks requires a number of 2,400 calorie consumption – 2,500 per day. This is because the mother's body will work hard ahead of the birth.
As already discussed above, that in the last weeks of the baby's head position should have been down to the street was born. But if his position is still breech, or buttocks and legs down to the line, you don't need to worry. There are ways that you can do to change the position of the baby. One of them is to do the position of sujud as often as possible. The next physical symptoms that you can feel is gaining weight would increase by 11.25 – 13.5 pounds in week 36.
Well, on a 36-week fetal development of the body of the mother will more efficiently convert the nutrients in the body into energy. The fact that the women who answered the question said that the hard pressed to lose weight at the time of the last weeks of pregnancy. The baby or fetus will develop faster than at the time of fetal development week 14. These developments will make the baby put pressure on the circulatory system of the mother. Therefore in the weeks it is recommended that the pregnant women reduce salt consumption so that his blood pressure remained normal and stable.
The Mother Felt contractions in the last week of pregnancy
In addition to the symptoms of physical changes that occur in the mother and the janinnya, the mother will also feel the contraction of the muscles of the uterus toward the lahiran. That is usually felt on fetal development weeks 36 is stomach mules, cramps, or even feel the pain as coming months. The symptoms that are called with His the will several times experienced by pregnant women at the time of the last weeks of labor.
There are two types of His i.e. His original and His fake. His original is when the contractions that you feel is really labor, usually a sign contraction contraction lasts about 45-75 seconds kontraksinya time and distance will continue approaching and kontraksinya grew strong. While the fake contraction characteristics of different tastes might be similar to the time of fetal development in second trimester, the frequency of irregular kontraksinya and does not cause pain that is felt from the waist to the lower abdomen. Besides His false kontraksinya also not too strong and will have no effect on the opening of the mouth of the uterus. So this time and information may be useful.
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