Choosing food for pregnant first trimester right and fit is very important to support the growth of the fetus in the future. Be careful in choosing foods during pregnancy will also help the condition of the mother, such as morning sickness will reduce and prevent excessive tired which is usually experienced in early pregnancy. In addition to those two things, it will also help avoid unwanted things such as premature birth, birth defects, and the worst occurrence of miscarriage.
Often when you are pregnant people around you will be banning food not to eat this and that. This is because gestational age in the first trimester is indeed quite vulnerable and at risk of experiencing various health disorders. The study States that the majority of miscarriages occur at young gestational age, and many of the causes of miscarriages are due to food (read: food causes a miscarriage).
Food for pregnant first Trimester you should know
Pregnancy is one of the most awaited moment for married couples. When the pregnancy period arrives, the sense of happy of course cannot be unstoppable. Having a healthy baby is cute and clever is the yearning of all people, and that starting from how to care for pregnancy in the first trimester, and the food is very instrumental in this regard. There are different types of foods that are recommended for pregnant women, some are best avoided, there are even prohibited altogether. The following are the different types of foods that are recommended for pregnant women.
The symptoms of nausea and vomiting normal experienced by pregnant women in the first trimester. Symptoms are also called morning sickneess turned out to be reduced by a lot of consuming this type of green vegetables. Anemia that sometimes occur in pregnancy can also be prevented because of the content of iron in vegetables will help the production of hemoglobin.
Green vegetables contain many important nutrients to the fetus, including folic acid. This substance plays a role in the process of cell division and growth, so it is necessary for fetal development in the womb and also prevent fetal defects. Examples of green vegetables that contain a lot of folic acid are spinach, asparagus, broccoli, and cabbage.
Various types of fruits are very suitable to become food for pregnant 1 month. During pregnancy, try to choose fresh fruit instead of canned fruit. This is because the canned fruit contain preservatives and also contains excess salts. Both of these things are certainly going to be injurious to health particularly during pregnancy. The risk of the occurrence of hypertension that sometimes occurs during pregnancy can be reduced by limiting the intake of salt.
For the mother, in addition to the benefits of his nutritional, fiber in the fruit will help resolve the constipation that occurs during pregnancy, while for the fetus, the abundance of nutrients in fruit would certainly be good for development. Selection of fruit is the Apple, Orange, banana family, avocado, grapes, dates, tomatoes etc. While prohibited is the durian, pineapples, papaya and pomegranate, the young (read: young fruits for pregnant women).
Processed Milk Products
Pregnant women are also advised to consume more processed products made from milk. As we know that a protein requiring cell growth, including the growth of the fetus very rapidly so that the mother will be in dire need of protein intake. Thus consuming different types of processed milk is one of the best ways to get sufficient protein intake.
Pregnancy in the first trimester is very important as the Foundation for the development of the fetus. Food consumed at this trimester pregnant mothers very determine fetal development. This article continues on page 2.
Seafood or seafood turns to good to be one of the types of foods for pregnant first trimester. Various types of seafood or seafood is quite a lot of protein and also contains omega 3 fatty acids. Nutrition-nutrition is very good for the development of the fetal brain, want your child clever isn't it? Some types of seafood that you can consume is a type of fish and shrimp.
Types of food for pregnant women on the early trimester next is cereals, which should be consumed per day during pregnancy especially when pregnant young. A great cereal is a type of whole grain, could also be replaced with whole wheat bread from a type of whole grain, too. Cereals can be consumed to replace rice, so during your pregnancy can reduce rice consumption. Please note, if you are allergic to gluten (Celiac disease) should avoid processed wheat.
In fact it was not any type of good beans become food for pregnant first trimester. But the type of nuts is quite recommended because it contains a lot of protein will be beneficial in the body. The protein will help pregnant women increase energy in the body. As for the types of nuts are recommended for pregnant women include green beans, soy beans, and the beans also contain more folic acid and vitamin B also.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is believed to contain a variety of substances that are quite beneficial for pregnant women. However, as far as it does not yet exist for certain scientific research that proves that coconut water is very nutritious for pregnant women. Young coconut water for pregnant first trimester is believed to be useful as a natural electrolyte containing many minerals that serve to restore the stamina of pregnant women. Especially when pregnant, a woman will usually require a water intake more than women who are not pregnant.
Tip Organize Your Diet While Pregnant First Trimester
When a mother enters the age of first trimester pregnancy, in addition to eating the kinds of foods that we've described above, you should also set your dining schedule. Meal schedule can not be indiscriminate. First, try to eat more frequently, but the batasilah portion of the bowel so that the food will continue to work continuously. When pregnant can you eat as much as 6-8 times a day but in the amount of the portion which is not much.
The second tip, when you experience vomiting or nausea, you should konsumsilah biscuits or small meals with fruit juice when you wake up in the morning. Wake up any moment you should not immediately depart from the bed, but rather gradually. After waking up to first sit down while eating a menu already described above. Then he continued with breakfast.
In addition, you also need to multiply food consumption for pregnant first trimester which contain lots of fiber. Foods containing fiber can reduce the risk of you having enough kontipasi during your pregnancy, which in addition to feels uncomfortable will also reduce the number of meal you are unconscious that culminate not the maximum fulfillment of nutrition.
Previously we also remind to you that the kinds of foods that last we explain is merely in the form of advice. It is possible that turned out to do you have allergies to certain types of foods that you should avoid. Therefore, you should ask or consult first to your doctor or midwife so that the results you get are more optimally. All this information from us about the different types of food for pregnant first trimester. Good luck and hopefully useful.
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