How to eliminate cough phlegm so that is often done by the community is probably by drinking medicine from a pharmacy or doctor. Or there is usually also a cough sufferers let his illness and have confidence that will surely be healed on its own. But actually there are many ways that can be done to cure cough phlegm so, including by way of natural or traditional. The use of natural substances to treat coughs have almost no side effects. It also able to eliminate cough, no less quick and modern medicine.
Coughing is one of the very common illness experienced by the community. The cough is caused by a variety of factors, started coughing caused by a thing or even a cough is a symptom of a disease that is being experienced by a person. If you experience prolonged coughing or phlegm so dry well, should it be controlled, it could be a symptom of throat cancer or can is also a harbinger of the lung disorder, may be experiencing bronchitis or other. (read: kinds of Lung Diseases and how to prevent it)
How To Eliminate Cough Phlegm So With Traditional Herb
Although cough phlegm so mild disease, but it is quite disturbing when it is not in our daily activities get well soon. Cough phlegm so can be caused by a variety of things, such as a virus, an infection of the lung or respiratory tract, lung disease that is chronic, the stomach acid to rise, or it could be caused due to the habit of smoking. Treating cough phlegm so in a natural way is actually quite effective too, but might lose prestige because no ads about traditional medicine so often forgotten. Here are some ways to treat cough phlegm so naturally that you can try.
Ginger Tea
Read it you would have been able to imagine how warm and enjoy this drink. Slice the ginger thinly settled into the warm tea is quite effective to help cope with cough phlegm so. Added a bit of honey so that's not too bitter (not added when still hot). Try not to add sugar because it will worsen Your cough. We recommend that you consume ginger tea twice a day in order to cough up phlegm so you soon subsided.
Star Fruit Wuluh
For those of you who do not yet know what that star fruit wuluh fruit, this fruit is small-sized fruit that resembles a star fruit, colored green and the taste is sour. They are also quite effective as a way of treating cough phlegm so in children or in adults. How to make ramuannya is a star fruit wuluh by mixing together a few grains of fennel, a little sugar and a cup of water. Then boil the mixture-a mixture of saringlah and water ramuannya when have started to cool. Drink this concoction twice a day until the cough phlegm so You healed.
Consuming lemons is a way of relieving cough phlegm so naturally and quickly, work directly removes phlegm in the throat. Lime may be a traditional remedy for relieving coughs are the most well known community. How to make ramuannya is by mixing juice of lemon water with honey and warm water. A comparison between the juice of lemon, honey and water is 1:3:5. In addition there is also way easier and less hassle, i.e. by way of mixing the lemon juice with soy sauce. This method is also quite effective as a way of treating cough phlegm so in children if taken twice a day with just one teaspoon.
Furthermore there is a saffron which has long been trusted by the people of Indonesia as one of the herbs that can be used as a natural cough remedy. How to make a traditional concoction to cough up phlegm so this is with mashing kunyitnya and then blended with honey into a glass of warm milk. Herb turmeric is evaluated as a way of relieving a cough that is quite effective.
Betel Leaves
How to eliminate cough phlegm so next is with betel leaves. How to make it is to boil the five pieces of betel leaf, clove, cubeb, cardamom and cinnamon in two glasses of water. Wait until the stew is reduced to half a glass of water, strain and drink three times a day one tablespoon. You might imagine that the herb betel leaf is definitely it feels weird. But it is undeniable this traditional herb turned out quite effectively relieve cough phlegm so.
Honey and white pepper
Maybe a combination of both is pretty unique and you may rarely give it a try, but the combination of white pepper mixed with honey is already used by Indonesia since the first community as one way of relieving cough phlegm so naturally and quickly.
Basil Leaves
The leaves have a distinctive fragrance turns can also be a natural remedy for cough phlegm so. How to make it very easy, by boiling 2-3 basil leaves and white 1-2 glass of water. This herb consumption while still warm so that the throat feels more spacious and cough phlegm so will not soon recover.
Warm Water White
This way is probably the easiest. When you start to feel that the existing phlegm in throat is very difficult to be expelled, consumption or at least berkumurlah with white water warm so phlegm more smoothly out of the esophagus.
In addition to the traditional way of 8 above, there are a few important tips in order cough phlegm so speedy recovery:
Always keep your mouth and teeth hygiene, brush your teeth regularly after meals and before going to bed, this will facilitate the phlegm out and helps reduce germs cause cough.
Avoid drinking cold water, always keep your body condition always warm.
Avoid eating fried foods, foods containing MSG, as well as reduce consumption of sugar.
Keep your body condition so as not to overly drop due to excessive activity.
How to treat a cough phlegm so in children naturally
Although traditional herb-Herb last allowed to be consumed by children, but the children would not instantly like the taste of the natural herb. Children sometimes prefer drugs from pharmacies that tastes more tasty and varied, ranging from the taste of strawberries, melon, Apple, and so on.
In general the children preferred the herb lemon, star fruit wuluh and warm water. Perhaps this is because the taste is not too extreme and still belongs to the good. For children aged 7-11 months give the drug a 4 × 1 teaspoon per day, children aged 1-2 years 4 × 1 tablespoon, whereas children aged 3-5 years 4 × 1 and a half tablespoons daily.
Additionally honey is also quite liked by children because it tastes sweet, give 1/2 tsp honey for children aged 2 to 5 years, and 1 TSP for aged 6 to 11 years. It could also added a little lime juice if the little one wants to. Can be taken several times a day. So that honey is not damaged, nutrients simply brewed with warm water only.
And also that no less important is to always keep the warmth in the body of the child, provide sweaters and keep away from the cold. Then the liniment is also quite help relieve coughing child, apply on the chest, back, and neck. In addition to being able to deliver the warmth, the scent of liniment will be able to relieve throat.
Although traditional cough medicine from natural materials generally do not cause any side effects, but there are times when it appeared the side effects in certain people, for it should try a little first to see if the reaction has occurred that is not desirable, such as a stomach ache because of the sour taste or other. Thus the information on how to eliminate cough phlegm so in adults and children. All this and hopefully useful.
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