Probably most of you haven't learned that lemon for fertility therapy became one of the steps you can take to quickly conceive. This has been done by many people who follow the pregnancy program. Because lime is believed to have as much useful content to help the process of pregnancy. No wonder if lime therapy often used specifically for women who want to get pregnant and not easy to miscarriage.
As we know that getting the children was the dream of the whole of the couples who have married. To this end, done a variety of ways so that each pair of family get children. One of the steps that can be done is to apply the lime juice therapy. Although it looks simple, but You should not underestimate this one therapy. Then how do I do a lime therapy? Rather than curious, check out the following reviews.
The steps Do Lime Therapy for health
For those of you who are still not familiar with lime therapy to help the process of fertility and pregnancy, there are several stages of steps that you can do. At least here are the steps.
Provide fresh lime juice 4 to 28 of fruit per day
After that, squeeze the lime juice in a container. Do not add any ingredients in the juice of the lemon. However if you could not withstand the taste sour on the juice of the lime juice, you can add pure honey.
Drinking the juice of the lime juice for 2 weeks in a row without a pause
As for the amount of the juice of the lime juice can be consumed on the first day was as much as 4. The second day for 8 pieces. Third day for 12 pieces. The fourth day as many as 16 pieces. The fifth day as many as 20 pieces. The sixth day as many as 24 pieces. And the seventh day as much as 28.
After seven days of consumption of lime, You still have to mengonsumsinya during the week. In the first week on the amount of water the juice of the lime juice should be consumed multiplied, then on the contrary, in the second week, the number is reduced. So on day eight of 28 water consumption of the juice of a lime. Ninth day as many as 24 fruits and continues to this day to as many as fourteen 4 pieces.
That measures the lime juice therapy proved to be very safe and can help the process of getting children. For best results, don't forget any consumption of the juice of the lime juice, always accompanied with prayers and religious trust according to each.
The other thing you need to know is when choosing lemons, do not select the size of the fruit that is too large. Why? This is because the amount of lime needed relatively much, so any small sized lemon is enough for consumption. In addition, before you start lemon for fertility therapy, you should try to consume the juice of 2 lemons in advance. The goal is to let the stomach can adapt and not surprised as long as you run this therapy.
Is It Safe To Consume Lemon Each Day?
After learning how much lemon juice should be consumed daily for 2 weeks, most of you are probably wondering if the lemon for fertility therapy is safe? The answer is perfectly safe as long as you look at the health conditions of your stomach.
In the sense that for those of you who have problems with stomach acid, these therapies should not be done when the stomach is still in a State of blank. Why? This is to prevent the problems of rising stomach acid that will make you nauseous even experiencing problems worse. If it turns out after making the lemon to fertility therapies you are having problems with the stomach, then we recommend that you stop for a moment and consult to my doctor to get a proper handling.
The benefits of lime juice to the process of getting Children
Although to date there has been no valid research that says that lemons are definitely can help get children, but at least the lemon has a variety of benefits for the body. This is because the lemons contain micro nutrient and vitamin-a very much.
Not only that, the lime also has the function of antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and can assist and improve blood pressure and blood vessels in the body. Logically, these functions that can help the process of pregnancy. With the consumption of lemons that have antioxidant functions, then the cardiovascular system in the body will also demonstrate its fixed. In doing so, the body will be more of a variety of disorders of the veins and pressure so as to prevent the occurrence of damage to blood vessels and decreasing function.
In addition, by doing the lemon for health therapies, then system body metabolism and blood circulation will participate improve. It's just that, you should also apply the healthy lifestyle such as offset by the consumption of fruits and fresh vegetables as well as not smoking and drinking beverages that contain alcohol or soda.
Other nutritious content in lemons was isofvalon. This content can resolve various problems related infertility. Isoflavones also serves to bind the estrogen receptors so as to provide health care in the woman's uterus.
Tips on Keeping Fertility for women and Get Children
Now You already know the benefits of lemons as well as how to do a lemon for fertility therapy. Another thing that should be noted is also about tips and the right steps in order for your fertility as a woman can remain awake. At least there are some tips that you can do. Among them are the following:
Never Smoke
As described above under the smoking is one of the activities that should be avoided for the sake of getting children and keeping fertility womb. This is because smoking has varying deposits of harmful substances to the body, whether both men and women. A woman who smokes about 10 – 20 cigarettes per day can suffer from menopause 2 years faster than normal women. Not just for women only, men who often smoked also can experience damage to sperm quality. (read also: a myriad of dangers to the health of our body)
Note The Weight
A less than ideal body weight can also affect fertility. This is because weight is too thin or too fat will cause a variety of diseases harmful to women, one of them is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The disease has become one of the causes of infertility for women.
Avoid Alcohol
In addition to smoking, alcohol also becomes a material that cannot be consumed, good for both men and women. A man who often consuming alcohol has the risk of decline in sperm quality. As for the women, then the likelihood of the condition of the uterus and fetus conceived can also be damaged and experience growth that is less healthy.
For Men, Try A ' Chill ' Reproductive Tool
As a reproductive tool, information on a man should have a lower temperature of about 1 to 2 degrees from the temperature of the body. For that reason, do not use panties that are too tight. In addition, before you start the reproduction activities, avoid taking a bath with hot water. (read also: here's the 7 types of foods so that you can get pregnant fast consumption)
To avoid Radiation from hazardous chemicals
As for the tips the last steps of getting children is by avoiding radiation effects from chemicals that are dangerous. When you work on a chemical company that has a risk of radiation on the body, we recommend that you do the examination to the doctor to get a proper handling.
So a little bit of reviews about lime for fertility therapy you should know. By doing a few of these tips, then you and your business partner in getting children have greater chances to succeed. May be useful.
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