Does vaginal discharge while pregnant young is a normal thing? In General, increased levels and frequency of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is a normal thing. Increase in estrogen during pregnancy and increased blood flow to the hip area to make the levels and frequency of vaginal discharge increases. Vaginal discharge is a liquid that is produced naturally as a cervical mechanism to make it moist and sealed tightly, also for blocking so that infections that may occur in the area of femininity does not spread to the uterus. At the end of their pregnancy, as the load on the uterus growing, the production of this fluid will also multiply. In addition, white is also the remnants of normal flora and dead cells from the wall area of femininity.
Normal vaginal discharge that is clear or white colored, not accompanied by the smell, and does not cause itching. Whereas if it is discolored or whitish accompanied by certain symptoms, it may be a harbinger of the presence of infection in the area of femininity.
The cause of the onset of vaginal discharge while pregnant Young
Increase in estrogen and hormone changes that occur in the body trigger the onset of vaginal discharge while pregnant young. If the mucus comes out clear colored or white, odorless, and does not cause itching, then this is a normal and healthy condition.
However, a change in vaginal discharge that looks abnormal is a sign of problems in the area of your femininity. Here are the causes of the incidence of vaginal discharge while pregnant young abnormal, where you must immediately consult with Your obstetrician if you have signs and symptoms as mentioned below:
Bacterial vaginosis
Hormonal changes during pregnant can trigger excessive bacterial growth on the area of femininity. This condition can be recognized through several symptoms, including mucus grey vaginal discharge, itching around the area of femininity, and pain when urinating. Signs and symptoms can be recognized most clearly is a fishy smell that arose after the intercourse.
If this condition is left unchecked, these infections can spread and bring negative impact on mothers and babies. The mother may be at risk of suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease. The bacteria that spreads to the uterus will cause premature rupture so amniotic infants born prematurely are at risk. To resolve it, the doctor will prescribe administering antibiotics.
Yeast infection
On the area of femininity, there is a mushroom growing naturally, called Candida albicans. The fungus is commonly found in the area of femininity in very small amounts. Hormonal changes can lead to this fungus grows too much, which is the cause of vaginal discharge while pregnant that young is not normal. A person who is pregnant or will not show the same signs and symptoms when they are exposed to fungal infections.
Signs and symptoms of a yeast infection include itching in the area of femininity, femininity looks redness and soreness, as well as a white-yellowish mucus rotate like soft cheese. Mucus comes out it might smell, maybe not. Most of its victims also feel pain when intercourse and there was a sense the heat of burning when urinating. To resolve it, usually the doctor will prescribe antifungal medication or cream.
Group B Strep (GBS)
GBS bacteria found in 1 of 4 healthy women. In some people, the GBS bacteria can cause serious infection with signs and symptoms that are almost the same as a urinary tract infection (suddenly feel very like to urinate, a sense of heat burning during urination, and urine that is murky). Babies can be infected with GBS bacteria from the mother when the normal delivery process. Therefore, before labor, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to prevent contagion.Sexually transmitted disease
Other causes of vaginal discharge while pregnant young is the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. There are various sexually transmitted diseases which give rise to the characteristic whiteness. On infection of chlamydia, usually a rather smelly vaginal discharge. Premenstrual syndrome cause yellowish mucus. Trichomoniasis cause mucus is yellow-green, frothy, and foul-smelling. Sufferers also experience itching and burning hot during intercourse or urination.
The doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics as treatment. If left untreated, sexually transmitted diseases suffered time pregnant may increase the risk of premature birth and urinary tract infection after childbirth. Some sexually transmitted disease-causing organisms can penetrate the placenta and bring negative impact on the baby. Some of them may also be transmitted to the newborn during childbirth.
Distinguish the Whitish liquid with Other
Besides knowing the cause of vaginal discharge while pregnant that young has been discussed above, you should also be able to distinguish whether the fluid is whitish or other (urine or amniotic water). Urine can be easily distinguished from the colors and smells. In addition, urine usually accidentally come out like when you cough, sneeze, or laugh.
The permeation of urine is something normal occurred during pregnancy. It is because the fetus growing in your womb. The size of an enlarged uterus and memberat it then pressing the bladder, which causes a small amount of urine out accidentally.
But if you feel the permeation of urine is annoying, try doing the Kegel gymnastics in a way to tighten and loosen the muscles around the area of femininity to control Your bladder. In addition, you can also go to the bathroom before you really felt like pee. You have to remember is, do not reduce Your fluid intake, so you are not dehydrated.
In addition to the urine, you should also know the amniotic water characteristics. Unlike urine, amniotic bag once You broke the amniotic water, you will constantly get out. If you are not sure whether it is urine or amniotic water, try using a bandage and lie down for 30 minutes. After that try to stand. If you feel the fluid came out in great numbers when you stand, just maybe it was amniotic water.
Prevent abnormal vaginal discharge
So young when she was pregnant not whiteness develops into an abnormal vaginal discharge, there are steps that can be done. The following are some easy ways that you can do to prevent it:
If the mucus comes out quite a lot, use pantyliner to subjugate them (avoid the use tampons while pregnant). However, remember to often-often replace them.
Maintain the cleanliness of the area Your femininity. After urinating or large, flush area femininity from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus.
Avoid the use of SOAP, toilet paper, sanitary pads, or strong-scented perfume for taking care of the cleanliness of the female organs.
Avoid vaginal douche usage as it will disturb the balance of normal flora in the area of femininity. Another reason many health workers prohibits the use of vaginal douche is because in a rare case, there are air bubbles that go from the organ of femininity to the bloodstream, leading to serious complications.
Use cotton underwear and not too tight to prevent the buildup of sweat and bacteria in Your feminine area.
Avoid wearing pants too tight of pants or nylon thread.
Immediately replace the swimsuit or sports clothes as soon as you have finished the exercise.
Do not hold your pee. Urine that is stuck too long in the bladder can potentially become the media spread the bacteria.
So articles about vaginal discharge while pregnant young. In principle, a normal vaginal discharge while pregnant is one of the signs of pregnancy that can be seen early on, and you may be just starting to realize about this whiteness around the 13th week in your pregnancy. As soon as you observe the presence of signs and symptoms that are not normal as mentioned above, no need to hesitate to immediately contact Your obstetrician.
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